Chase's 11th birthday!
Chase Alan was born on November 22, 1996. We love to remind him that when his dad brought him back to me from the newborn nursery he told me he was the smallest and baldest baby in the whole nursery. He weighed in at 6 lb. 15 oz. but he said the other babies looked huge compared to our little guy.
We celebrated his birthday with dinner at his favorite restaurant, Red Lobster, and an Indianapolis Colts theme with gifts at home including his long-awaited XBox!

We love you so much, Chase Alan. I can't believe you are already 11! Happy Birthday, and we are so proud of you. You'd never know you were the smallest and baldest baby in the whole nursery now! :)

We love you so much, Chase Alan. I can't believe you are already 11! Happy Birthday, and we are so proud of you. You'd never know you were the smallest and baldest baby in the whole nursery now! :)